Sunday 23 December 2007

Is Windows Vista a lost cause?

Ok been, started asking around and cant find a single person I know say they prefer vista vs. XP. Even the die hard .Net developer I know think XP is better. Dont understand this, there was supposed to be loads of usability studies etc. What happened someone forgot to include anyone who actually uses a computer full time or previous version of windows in this.

I really loved the original windows NT when it came out, I purchased a Windows Tablet as loved the idea and still use it a browser to this day. As a developer I like Windows for for rich client stuff, spent years in visual studio building application. On server side used to use NT everywhere but have moved to Linux in recent years. But now appear that windows may have managed to shot itself in the foot on client side. I'm developing a growing dislike for vista with each time I try and use it. Just don't feel in control, cant work out why things like internet access aren't working, its now getting to stage of not wanting to see it again. I keep going backing thinking, it must be me, but then give up and reboot in Linux to actually have get the machine to work well.

Wireless, Media playing, simple internet browsing all work better on the Linux side and whole machine just feels so much more snappy. Only thing that works better on windows is hibernate and suspend which are really poor on the linux side. But happy to boot and shutdown a machine to have a working systems. Doesn't hunt that actually boot and shuts down fast don't really care.

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