Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Starting on Biorails 4.0

Boy been a busy year of delivery and going into production on a number of sites. Have not had time to write for ages. Now starting the majors upgrades to Biorails 4.0 cycle. Currently looking and ruby 1.9.1 and rails 2.3.2 updates.

First three rails things todo are:-

1) Update to Rails 2.3
2) Update Action Web services to work
3) Update Oracle drivers to support bulk inserts
4) Check gems on ruby 1.9.1

On the application side

1) Redo the unstructured data management. Time to make the product a better authoring tools
2) Support a lot better printable output in Open Office,word and PDF formats
3) Enhance the recipes to allow creation of a multiple level tree of items from a recipe
4) Time for UI make over again

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